As you may know, I program a lot of UI stuff in CoffeeScript. To avoid recompilation, I usually tell coffee to watch for and recompile on changes: coffee -w -o ./lib -c ./src
In addition, I often start the coffee console to play around with some code interactively, e.g., to test the results of magic list and comprehension processing, etc. And I might also start a small static node.js webserver to serve files via HTTP rather than using file:// links.
Since this is a lot of stuff to start before I can even start programming, I usually write little project files (shell scripts) that will do all this automatically.
Here is an simple example that works for me in GitBash/Windows and in Linux (RedHat):
Cheers, Juve
In addition, I often start the coffee console to play around with some code interactively, e.g., to test the results of magic list and comprehension processing, etc. And I might also start a small static node.js webserver to serve files via HTTP rather than using file:// links.
Since this is a lot of stuff to start before I can even start programming, I usually write little project files (shell scripts) that will do all this automatically.
Here is an simple example that works for me in GitBash/Windows and in Linux (RedHat):
- It starts and detaches coffee -w and tracks the process id and group id
- Starts a node.js HTTP server and tracks the process id and group id
- Then starts the coffee console and waits for it to quit
- Finally it will bring down the all started programs and exit
#!/usr/bin/env bash killGroup() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "watcher gpid not set" else echo "killing gpid:$1" (sleep 1 && kill -- -$1)& fi } getGID() { ps='ps -eo pid,ppid,pgrp' $ps 1> /dev/null 2>&1 || ps='ps -l' $ps | awk "{ if (\$1 == $1) { print \$3 }}" } cwd=$(pwd) pdir=$(dirname $0) coffee -o $pdir/lib -wc $pdir/src& watch=$! gpid=$(getGID $watch) echo "starting coffee watcher (pid: $watch, $gpid)..." sleep 2 cd $pdir/.. coffee server=$! sgpid=$(getGID $server) echo "starting coffee server (pid: $server, $gpid)..." sleep 2 echo "starting coffee console..." coffee killGroup $gpid killGroup $sgpid exit 0 cd $cwdAfter starting it looks like this:
$ sh starting coffee watcher (pid: 10868, 17160)... 07:57:57 - compiled src\ 07:57:57 - compiled src\ 07:57:57 - compiled src\ 07:57:57 - compiled src\ starting coffee console... coffee>The compiler output will be mixed into the coffee console output but that is just fine, since I do not have to maintain several console windows this way. Here is an example where I tested something on the console and then saved my main file.
coffee> a = [1,2,3]; (d) -> value:d [ { value: 1 }, { value: 2 }, { value: 3 } ] coffee> 08:40:06 - compiled src\ 08:40:16 - compiled src\main.coffeeIn a past post I said that bash syntax was awkward, I really have to revoke that statement now. Bash is really great for such tasks.
Cheers, Juve