For communication with my co-authors, I sometimes use inline comments, i.e., additional highlighted paragraphs withing the text of my PDF documents; exported from LyX/LaTeX. I know, I could also use PDF comments, but I like the inline style better. Here is how it looks like:
To create these comments, I use a redefinition of LyX's greyedout notes, turning them into an \fcolorbox (see code below). For exporting a printable/camera-ready PDF, I need to turn of the comments. It took me some time to figure out how to tell LaTeX to completely ignore the comment's body text. I use the environ package for that. Here is the complete code (LaTeX preamble):
To create these comments, I use a redefinition of LyX's greyedout notes, turning them into an \fcolorbox (see code below). For exporting a printable/camera-ready PDF, I need to turn of the comments. It took me some time to figure out how to tell LaTeX to completely ignore the comment's body text. I use the environ package for that. Here is the complete code (LaTeX preamble):
\usepackage{verbatim} \usepackage{environ} \usepackage{color} % remove old lyxgreyedout notes \let\lyxgreyedout\relax \let\endlyxgreyedout\relax % redefine lyxgreyedout notes \NewEnviron{lyxgreyedout}{% \noindent % \fcolorbox{yellow}{yellow}{ \begin{minipage}[t]{0.95\columnwidth}% \textcolor{blue}{\footnotesize{\BODY}} \end{minipage} }}% % remove notes for printing: rename the above env and the next env \NewEnviron{lyxgreyedout2}{% %this will ignore all the body content in my greyedouts %\BODY }
And here is the rest of my LaTeX preamble; just for reference:
% I sometimes need a little more space \newcommand{\vs}{ \textbf{\vspace{2pt}}} % small fancy links; clickable but still readable (without the http protocol string) \newcommand{\lnk}[1]{{\small{(\href{http://#1}{#1})}}} % setting pretolerance to 4500 will remove most overflowing lines, esp. % for two-column documents. In the final version of a paper, I lower this setting % and handtune the overflows using hyphenation hints \pretolerance = 4500 % more penalties for misplaced paragraphs, % (usually not required for academic paper templates) %\clubpenalty = 10000 %\widowpenalty = 10000 %\displaywidowpenalty = 10000